Wednesday 1 September 2010

Little House


Forgot to say thank you to our newest follower.

Thanks to:

Cliff: thanks a bunch!!

Follow us and love us, over and out, Dani and Tabby!! xxxxx

Little house

Hey guys.

Sorry neither Tabby or I have done a blog in a while. We are very busy people...well actually that is a lie!!! :) Tabby and Daisy have been here since last tuesday, and Ben, Tabby's boyfriend, came up on Saturday. They all went home yesterday :( *sad face* Miss them all already!!!

Nothing much has been happening recently actually....sorry guys!!

Follow us and love us, over and out, Dani and Tabby xxxxx

Thursday 12 August 2010

Dark Roman Wine- Snow Patrol

Hey guys!

Dani here. I have just noticed that we have some new followers so I just thought I'd say thank you! :D

So here it goes:

Eadie: HEYYYY. Thanks so much for following us! I can't wait to meet you! :D

Latem: Thanks for following us but I am guessing you are one of Tabby's friends as from your picture I do not know who you are. So sorry :(

Limpit: Again, I'm afraid to say I am unaware as to who you are. But thanks for following us! :D

And they are our new followers....we now have 7 (8 is you include George twice!) followers! Thanks guys! It means a lot to us.

How is everyone? I hope everyone is enjoying their summer holidays! It is the highlight of the school year, and it really isn't that interesting! lol :D

I am off to my great aunts tomorrow so then we can go to Ireland on Sunday! I am very excited! :) annnnnnddddddd.....I got my hair cut! It is sooo short now! Just below my shoulders!

I'm not too sure what Tabby has been doing, I know she moved house the other day! :D Which is brilliant!!! :D

Anyway, talk soon....

Follow us and love us, over and out, Dani and Tabby xxxxx

Wednesday 14 July 2010

Ludovico Einaudi - Oltremare

Hello one and all.
I hope you are all well, smiling and being pleasant people,
of course i can tell Dani isn't ;) JOKES !

I'm only just back from a two week visit to london. which was brilliant. I had an amazing time; (on work experiance) I helped as a teacher at Dad's school, inperticular I helped the intergrated classes. It was a great learning experiance. All there is left to do now is get Dani down here to learn about sheep.

I haven't really got much to say, despite not writing for ages... I'll reveal all when it is safe to ;)

Follow us and love us, over and out, Dani and Tabby xxxxx

Be (All eyes apon me)

Hey guys

Hope everyone is ok. Is everyone enjoying yet another week in raining England? Isn't the place we all live lovely? If anyone comments on this saying that where they are is bright and sunny and hot I will not be amused!

I have acquired Tabby's habit of sitting with Dani and Ben on. There music is amazing and for all those who haven't heard them, you really are missing out. Myspace type in one and a half. They really are amazing. That's my bit of promoting done!

I just thought I'd upload something whilst I had time. I wonder what everyone is doing tonight. I'm going to spend some time with my amazing boyfriend. Hope everyone else is doing something fun too!

Well that's it for now I'm afraid. More soon!

Follow us and love us, over and out, Dani and Tabby. xxx

Monday 12 July 2010


Ha. Ironic title....!

Anyway, heya everyone. I am trying to make this a much more regular thing but life keeps on getting in the way! it is rude like that! I don't really have much to say tbh. Nothing much has been happening...

Apart from have the most AMAZING sister ever down....It was amazing...but Daisy...where were you? You are always there. Tek was an experience and a half. How many times did you get picked up Tabby! It was very funny...! SHAG BANDS and bracelets that glowed in the UV!!! It was epic. we should do it again sometimes.

STill missing everyone in Dorset....Why du have to be so far away? Come to London! We have no sheep! Well saying that i can sheep from where i am and horses.....maybe i do live in the country and no one told me! That would be strange.

Well im just getting ready to go out and see my friend Jack. He is this amazing guy. Whom I love very much. :D I have no idea what we are doing. Or when we are meeting Or where! They would be good things to find out.

TWO WEEKS!!! Then BOTH of my amazing sisters are coming up. Should be great! I can't wait to see them...

DATE FOR THE DIARY: 27th August. It is the date when at 12:30 Mars is going to be as big as a full moon. It wont happen again for another 60,000 years! No one alive today will ever see it again! It is meant to be amazing! Look out for it!

I don't think I have any more dates for the diary....but i will keep you posted! :)

What else have i been up two? Not sure 5to be honest. not much.

MY ARM IS PLASTER!!!! It sucks. I have to have it till the first week of the summer holidays! Tabby and Daisy haven't seen me out of plaster this year1 6 months to the day since last time.

I'm going to try and go to church more often now. I really want to be confirmed next year, so i should really start going again. I wonder what times they weekdays ones a re on. I could go after school. I have to look that up. This is great for writing down what I have to do....But then again everyone can see it. That would be bad if I wrote something on here that no one was meant to see! But then again, i know that everyone can see it, so i wouldn't be that stupid...would i? I now have to go back over everything and make sure i haven't written anything stupid!

Just went over everything and I think it is all ok. Now very paranoid that i've put something stupid on here! Dont think I have. Tabby,go over this please!

I think that's all for now i'm afraid guys. I dont know how many of you read this! It would be quite funny to know, Anyway,

Follow us and love us, over and out, Dani and Tabby xxxxx

Saturday 12 June 2010


Tabitha Rose Rodney!
You do photograph well!
Do do do do do do dooooo....blues scale!
Sorry guys for not writing in a while. Tabby and I have been very busy. Tabby was in belguim! I was in...England. Rainy. Windy. Sometimes hot England!
Who is the lucky one!
But guess what........I'M 15!!!! :)
Ok. Got to get dressed and do stuff. Talk soon!
Follow us and love us, over and out, Dani and Tabby x x x x x

Sunday 23 May 2010

Follow me.


Sorry about not having any new blogs in a while, Tabby and I have been very busy. We apologise.

I hope you have all been ok and everyone has had a few good weeks. Isn't the weather lovely!? I hope it is as hot where you lot are because if it isn't then I'm just rubbing it in.

Tabby is here in London in 4 weeks....Watch out London! She is here for two weeks on work experiance, I can't wait to see her! It is going to be amazing, two weeks with my sister! I can't believe Daisy isn't coming up too.


Now that I have got that out of my system, actually Daisy better read this, if she says something about it then I know she loves Tabs and I, and if she doesn't then she doesn't love us and we can scream at her! Sorted!

I had to do an English Speaking and Listening exam on friday. We had to choose a special person, memory or place to talk about for 3 minutes, guess who I chose...TABBY!!! It was very easy. All I had to do was say who Tabs is (Step sister), where I met her (wedding), a little bit about her (loves air cadets, dancing, singing, math, science, music, plays guitar, piano), and also why she means alot to me (WWWAAAAAYYYYY to long to write on here!). 3 minutes of talking about Tabs, very easy....

Well I have to go now but i hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoy the rest of the sunshine!

Follow us and love us, over and out, Dani and Tabby x x x x

Sunday 9 May 2010


Hey guys.

I just realised that neither Tabby nor I have put a post up in ages so I thought I'd check in and see how you are all doing.

I was I'm Dorset yesterday and I had a great day with Tabby, Daisy, Ben, Josh, Francis and John. It was absolutely amasing to see everyone and the parts of Shatfesbury I saw! Gold hill , John Peel, Hidden Dragon. It was all amazing.

Hopefully I'm going back there in the half term and hopefully camping in Tabbys grandparents back garden.

Hope everyone is ok.

Follow us and love us....over and out...Dani and Tabby.

Monday 3 May 2010

I always stay too long.

Why hello there ;)

Tabby here. No Dan unfortunatly :( Stuck with me! Unlucky!!!!!

Gonna ring Dani at 7:00. End off. No need to worry there Dan :) Plus I talked dad into letting you come down. He's gonna nibble at Angie. :D So Yayness.

Hope everyone has had the best of bank holls =) Comment and tell us what you did, please. Dan is at Joans and I was getting gently raped *Cough* I meant... No wait. I did mean raped, by a certain Ben. It would have been nicer if it was Eadie ;) Word of warning - If ever around Ben keep an arms distance so he doesn't pick you up.

:) Big smiles today. Just noticed how wierd I look, sitting crosslegged on my floor surrounded by art materials and music, grinning and blogging. I suppose it's lucky I'm a female. Any male wouldn't be able to cope with the multiness of my tasking ;)

Anyhoo... ReALly BorED DuE tO a LAcK oF dANi. Wish she would hurry up and get home and call me. If not i have to wait till 7... I mean Reallllllly??????

Hope noone read all that. What am I saying? Of course noone did. You're all asleep. :P

Follow us and love us. Over and out. Dani and Tabby. Xxxxx

Cave in

Hey guys.

Hope everyone had a good weekend and everyone slept well.

Just thought I should say hi! Haven't spoken to tabby since our 9 hour phone call when we first started the blog. I may phone her today when I get back.

I have to go to my great aunts today. It will be nice to see her but I think i'm going to be the only child there so might be a bit bored and I have so much revising to do it unnatural! I have to revise R.e., music and maths for tomorrow and Wednesday. Should really be doing that now instead of updating the blog...but hey you guys are more important!

What is everyone up to on this bank holiday? I think you can comment on this, if you can then comment and tell us what your doing.

Love us and follow us...over and out...Dani and tabby.

Saturday 1 May 2010

Thank you!


Just a quick one from Dani.

Tabby and I have decides that we must thank everyone who follows us on our next blog. We now offically have 3 members (4 but for some reason George followed us twice!) so we must say thanks.

Our new members are:

Joshua (The Doctor):
thanks Josh for following, you were our first follower!

thank you George, but why did you join twice?

thanks Elin, Elin is Tabbys cousin I believe....i think!
Elin, comment on this please to let me know if I got it right!

Well that was all really, just wanted to say thanks to everyone who joined!

Follow us and love us, over and out, Dani and Tabby.

Vanilla Twilight


Dani here again. Don't you just hate this time of the morning! I can't believe I'm even awake! Hope everyone slept well and I hope everyone has a great day today.

I don't know what Tabby I up to today but I'm guessing she is revising or going into shaftsbury! I however am going to my best friends house as it is her birthday. I would say happy birthday on here but I know that she isn't following us!

I don't know if we ever explained why our blog is called 134 miles, it's because the is the distance from my front door to tabby's front door and we thought that it was very cool. We told you that we'd tell you a bit about living apart as sisters. Well, I see tabby and my other step sister daisy most holidays that we have off from school. It is always great to see them and we do spend lots of time doing stupid things!

More about that later.

Follow us and love us, over and out, Dani and Tabby.


This blog is dedicated to the game that our family invented in Bulgaria in 2009 :)

To be played in glorious sunlight in a refreshing pool :
Rules :
There are two teams (Preferably two people on each team but depends on the size of your pool)
One BIIIIG rubber ring.
A ball or equivalent.

The aim is for you to get the ball through the ring as many times as you can for your team. If you move the ring deliberatly or get into the ring - IMMIDIATE DUNKING.


Just a fun way to cool off =)

Follow us and love us, over and out, Dani and Tabby xxxxxx

The bird and the worm.

Hey everyone!

It's dani here for once! Tabby has been doing the other blogs with me on the phone, it my go....!

Hope everyone is ok and hope everyone has had a great day...

Sorry about the random title, it's the song I'm listening to!

Well I didn't really have much to say, just wanted to say hey!

Follow us and love us, over and out, Dani and Tabby.

Your head. That cat pee. Date.

Heyy everyone... If there is anyone :P

On the phone ALL DAY with Dani.

We've decided to name everyone of our posts either something we've said or done, or the name of the CD or playlist we have playing at the time we write. That will get you an insight to our obscenely interesting lives. ;)

Dani is STILL trying to decorate her bedroom and I am trying to revise. But not getting far. Infact, I would get futher if I'd opened the book. As far as Saturday's are concerened this is not an over the toply interesting one, although it is lush to be talking.

We've both just finished our mock-exam week. HELL = EXAMS.

HAHAHAHA! We've done ! We've done it again ! Dani is coming down to meet a bunch of people next weekend ! Horrah ! Took a hell of a long time but we got there.
This'll be her first experiance of where I live as I always go up to London. We can't wait.

Oh! And a MASSIVE thanks to "The Doctor." Love you x Thanks for becoming our first ever follower x

Follow us and love us, over and out, Dani and Tabby. Xxxxx

Food and thought.

Tabby and Dani here. Trying to eat lunch and organise Dani coming down. But train and bus websights are a pile of poo. Done it now bout took the best part of an hour and a half. I mean REALLY?!?!?
Lucky for us, Dani had scrambled egg and Tabby had custard so the world isn't all bad.
Both of us have stupid, pointless revision and coursework. Good luck to all those in years 7, 8 and 9. You have hell to come.
As the facebook group suggests - S.c.h.o.o.l : Six. Crap. Hours. Of. Our. Lives.
Dani is currently drawing Mr. Bump and Tabby is trying to organise lots of silly as per the usual.

Follow us and love us, over and out, Dani and Tabby xxxxx

Why hello there =)

Heyy peeps,

First time blogging, no idea to write.

Basically, we (Dani and Tabby) are step sisters. Dani lives in London and Tabby lives in the middle of no where. :P Joy. We plan to write about the ins and outs of living apart but being extremly close.

A little bit about Dani -
GCSE's : Music, art, tripple science, stats, and of course the obvious.
Future : Wants to do something which relates to phsycology.
Hobby's : Art, Reading, Clarenet, Singing and air guitaring =)
Fave colour : Blue.
Fave book : Anything at the time.
Fave film : Don't have one.

A small dose of Tabby -
GCSE's : Music, drama, Electronics and French.
Future : Would like to become a doctor, possibly in the RAF. In that fales, a singer or actress.
Hobby's : Aircadets, youth group, reading, piano, guitar, maths... List is endless....
Fave colour : Blue or white. But it changes dailey.
Fave book : Anything at all.
Fave film : I like a few =)

Follow us and love us, over and out, Dani and Tabby Xxxxx